Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mint chocolate cure

What's that component again in chocolates that alleviates your mood? Definitely works, especially if laced with mint! Finally opened the Ghirardelli that a friend gave me last Christmas (thanks ha!) and I sort of forgot about being in a bad mood since this morning. Kinda forgot about the amount of work I'll have to do in the next few weeks too. I'm blogging and composing something while chatting with this person (yes, I'm a multitasking girl) and somehow a sense of clarity overcomes me. Seems like we're on different planes after all. It's still time that will tell what can come out of this, but from the looks of it, he's not really what I'm looking for. To think I was starting to get ahead of myself! Sheesh.

Dear God, you know how weak I am with these things. Please keep my emotions in check and make me focus on more important things than this. I know You have my best interests at heart so please grant me the patience to wait for the things that You will bless me with at the right time.

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