Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What happens in the classroom #1

1. Teachers would usually spell out certain words when talking inside the classroom for fear that the children may pick them up. One time, we were pointing to certain kids and guessing how they'll look like when they grow up. "He will be a basketball jock" or "This guy will break a lot of hearts" or "For sure he'll be the class clown". And there was a kid who was so smart that we all agreed "He will be a G-E-E-K with suspenders and high-waisted pants." No sooner than my co-teacher uttered those words, that kid chanted "G-E-E-K, G-E-E-K, G-E-E-K!" while marching like a soldier. As damage control, she said, "Yeah Mark's dad is greek, G-R-E-E-K."

2. There's another precocious kid who kept on bumping his classmates during free play time. One time my co-teacher said "Mark, you've been hurting your friends all morning!" "Sorry!" was his reply. "You keep saying 'sorry' but you keep doing it again. You even stepped on me twice," my co-teacher replied, with a sad face. "I'm sorry sorry teacher! I'm sorry sorry, I said sorry twice!"

3. It was restaurant week and we were about to use carrot sticks for painting and before distributing them, I held it up for all the children to see. I asked them, "Who wears a white hat and uses food like these in a restaurant?" Before anyone else could reply, Alexi excitedly shouted, "Rabbits!"

4. We just learned about the letter M and sang about Maggie Magnet and my co-teacher asked, "Who knows what comes after M?" Rapa answered, "Eno?" (Try singing the alphabet song.)

5. I was kidding around with Matthew our Aussie surfer dude, I was hiding his lunch or pretending to eat his vegemite sandwich (smells nasty btw). "C'mon Matty, can I have some of your lunch?" He vehemently replied, "No, you don't need it, you're already big! Look at yourself!" (Ouch!)

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