Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas eve

Now that the gifts have been opened and the wine bottle emptied, I'm at the computer again, trying to come up with something coherent. It's been a while since I posted in this blog, and I missed doing so! It's been a crazy 4th quarter and I've only been able to post pictures of the more interesting events as of late.

This year's Christmas isn't any different from Christmases past - I feel I gained the pounds I lost this year, there's still so many bills to pay, and my thesis proposal has yet to see the light of day. I bet one of Chichi's New Year's resolution is to hold a gun at my head for me to start moving with this thesis hehehe. Only recently has it dawned on me the real reason why I'm taking my time with that one.

Since I started working, I no longer get gifts from family but I make it a point that everyone opens a little something from me. In terms of gifts, there's a bit of surprise this year - my brother gave me a gym outfit from Nike which I believe is the sign that I should get back on the treadmill very soon. I love it! And the biggest thing of all - Mom gave me cash! I can't believe it! Hahaha ang babaw ko. Eh pano naman the last time this happened was when I was in college! So I guess business is doing very good.

Kinda sleepy now... I'll just make kwento in the coming days while I download Heroes and Grey's Anatomy. Goodnight!

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