Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First of November

...was spent watching TV the whole day and eating a hotdog sandwich and PikNik ketchup fries at 7-11. It was too hot to go home and hitch to Manila Memorial Park. This time, I didn't have the itch to clean the house. My butt has fallen comfortably on the sofa since this morning and I think it's staying put in the next 4 hours or so.

I'm starting to get excited about the baby. According to Babycenter, it's about the size of a sesame seed and looks like a tiny tadpole. The brain is starting to develop, and the placenta and umbilical cord is already working as it should. Amazing. Sometimes though, I feel a bit of pain in the lower abdomen, I hope it's nothing serious. I hope I get an answer from the TVU on Nov. 3.

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