Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Down with the Lehman brothers

(I told Peejo I'll be working on my paper but here I am blogging again tsk tsk tsk...)

Don't ask me about the Wall Street crisis. I was just speedreading through the latest issue of Time and started thinking about my financial status. It's not much I tell you. Not that I'll be filing for bankruptcy anytime soon, but now I'm bothered why there really isn't much in my bank account. What sucks is that I am no big spender (but I don't get paid a lot either) and it's been a practice to transfer all my salary in another account right after I withdraw from the payroll AND YET it never got out of this plateau huhuhu! I blame myself for getting this crappy insurance premium which sucks the life out of me every 3 months when I could have had saved up for a US trip already. It had been different then, WHEN I WAS STILL EARNING FOUR TIMES AS MUCH AS WHAT I'M EARNING NOW! Rats.

Sigh. The pains of being in the noblest profession on earth. I hope my mom and dad extends their pity on me and pay for my US trip this summer (hahahaha!)

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