Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Little things

The new schoolyear starts on Tuesday and I just enrolled this morning for Thesis Writing 3. With 10 3-year-olds in my class (most of them first-time students) and a July 26 deadline for thesis proposal defense application, it really looks like it's going to be very toxic 2 months for me. I think my heart just palpitated from impending stress :(

In any case, I miss blogging and before this account settles into inactivity again, let me look recount some happy little things as of late.

1. Charm gave birth to Caitlin Ann! Some best friend that I am, I didn't even know when she gave birth. I just saw her baby's pictures on Friendster (whose caption said "one week old"). Tsk tsk. Babies are always a blessing! I wanna have one too! Hahaha!

2. LSS sessions every Friday and CC last Thursday - nothing beats a strong dose of spiritual rejuvenation in the company of friends where genuine concern for each other is apparent. One thing I learned, He manifests His love with the people around you. I am human and I have human needs which can only be given by another human. God uses my friends and family to make me feel important and loved through their words of affirmation, physical affection/emotional warmth, their acts of service, the seemingly little gifts they give me, and the time they spend with me. Now that's the five languages of love for you!

3. Good times with friends - watching 21 Tuesday afternoon, hanging out at my house on Wednesday, hanging out at Aweng's house with tons of food last Thursday, Gnet's birthday dinner at Leslie's after shopping for her gift at Nike, hanging out at Brothers Burger last night. It doesn't take a lot to make me smile, really. More so make me laugh! :)

4. I think I fairly did a good job with decorating the Green Room. Big thanks to Vannie, Bianca and Yaya Ces for helping out. I can't wait to see my babies on Tuesday!!!

Sigh. Wish me luck with my thesis.

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