Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Of doors and weird stuff

It's been a while since I last updated Multiply (crazy about Facebook and learning about Twitter now), it's just today that I've been sneaking up on some people's accounts and finally realized how I've wasted my time. There isn't really anything that I wanted to write about... until I noticed that my closet door was ajar about an inch. Of course I had to close it even if I feel so tamad and sleepy already, because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if I had left it open. It goes the same for any other door ajar - I always will get up to close them, like my subconscious is telling me that a cold, bloodied hand or some other scary creature will crawl out of it if I don't. Yikes. And so goes my quirk, which probably is not that uncommon.

Which brings me to what happened last night. Got home around 12 from a party, and Peejo and I had to pee so we entered the house. The front door was locked, but the key was hanging from the window (like always). Anyway, we were done and I went back to the car with him to get something. I distinctly remember leaving the door ajar because I knew I won't take long. Nevertheless, I brought the key with me. When he left, I walked to the door to find it CLOSED AND LOCKED. The dog was lying in front of it.


But I still opened it with the key, didn't bother turning on any lights downstairs, and went up to my room with just the thought of crawling under my sheets in my airconditioned room.

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