Bouts of inspiration just come from the most unexpected of circumstances!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Imagine my surprise when some friends asked me why I haven't posted a blog in the past month or so. Aba, may mga fans pala ko noh? :) Yeah, I know it's been a while. It's not that it's been a toxic month. As a matter of fact, I already finished my narratives way ahead of schedule and is just highly anticipating my Boracay trip next Sunday, totally unruffled by my defense on Tuesday and the remaining PTCs and the kids' Moving Up day on Friday. Wow, talk about priorities hahaha.

Here I am munching on whole grain cereal (which I never take with milk) and making a mental note to replenish our supply of dried fruit later. I didn't know my mom was already making an effort to eat healthy because she remarked that somebody made ubos her raisins (twas me, because I thought they bought it by mistake haha). It feels good that going organic and healthy is not that hard to do anymore, in fact, I'm even starting to enjoy it! Yesterday, Peejo and I jogged our usual route (Taal-Talisay-Taysan-Country Club-University Ave-Acacia-Country Club-Taysan-Talisay-Taal) and I was able to jog non-stop that whole stretch of Acacia in less than 10 minutes! The rest of the way tho, I had to stop a few times. Pero feat na yon ha! Anyway, I think this is the runner's high they told me about. Sarap! I hope I could jog the whole route non-stop in the next weeks. Just trying to make up for the birthday bingeing a few weeks ago :)

Last week in church I was inspired to write for Youngblood again, in the hopes of being published thrice before I reach 30 (yeah I wasn't focused on the mass, I know, tsk tsk). I only have a week to go because I wanted to write about something related to the schoolyear. I hope I can start it right away.

It's family bonding time again, I'll be back soon!

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